How Hard Is It to Get Approved for a Lawsuit Loan?
If you’ve been waiting on restitution from the lawsuit you’ve been involved in, but need money for expenses, a lawsuit loan may be able to help. Lawsuit loans are great for obtaining money ahead of time while waiting for your compensation to come through from your court case.
Learn more about a lawsuit loan, as well as what a Nevada financial company can do for you when you’re in need of money fast. You shouldn’t have to worry about expenses.
What Is a Lawsuit Loan?
A lawsuit loan is a loan that is provided to those looking to get money during the time their court case is in motion. If there is a potential to win money, having a lawsuit loan can help you get the money sooner, rather than later. It is essentially an advance on what you’re currently looking at getting from your case.
What Is Required to Obtain a Lawsuit Loan?
In order to obtain a lawsuit loan, there are some requirements. As with any loan, you have to go through the approval process to make sure you’re able to pay the loan back; however, those criteria differ significantly from a traditional loan.
First, you need to have an open lawsuit in Nevada. It should also be in your favor. The amount of money may not have been settled on as of yet, but having an open and positive looking lawsuit is what can guarantee a loan.
You have to show that liability falls on the defendant in the case. This would be a police report for many accidents that might happen. Proof of the case and of your potential earnings should be given.
All of your personal information is required on the application. You want to make sure that all of the information you’re handing in is correct and true to your knowledge.
Information on the law office you’re using for your case. The company may require more information on the company that you’re working with to speak with your legal counsel about the specific details.
Details of the medical care you have received up until this point. This will show the amount of care you have needed. Not having this information can actually hurt your application for the lawsuit loan.
The same goes for any economic losses. This is due to the accident that you were in. You want exact amounts for the best possible outcome.
Is It Hard to Get?
Lawsuit loans are not hard to get if you have an open case that is in your favor. If you have the proper documentation and your lawyer is on board, you will not have any issues obtaining the specific help you need.
For those who are missing information and documentation, the loan may be harder to obtain. Proof of the case coverage, liability, and expenses you have incurred are required.
Contact Money First Funding Today
In Nevada, you want to make sure all of your expenses are covered. A lawsuit loan can help you with that if you need cash now. Contact us at 702-623-3333 today to start an application and see if you qualify.