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Frequently Asked Questions

What Fees Do You Charge for Receiving Pre-Settlement Funding?

We charge a small, one-time fee to each client per case. There are no additional fees for additional funding on the same case. We also do not charge monthly interest, and each transaction is charged an annual fee. Our fees and annual charge are identified clearly on the first page of every contract.

How Much Funding Can I Get?

Each case is evaluated independently. Ask for what you truly want. We will gather information about your case and let you know how much you are approved for.

Can I Receive Pre-Settlement Funding More Than Once?

Yes. We are able to offer monthly and quarterly funding so you take only what you need. There are no additional processing fees for additional funds on the same case, and no compounding of interest or charges.

Do I Have to Pay Back the Money if I Don’t Win My Case?

No. If you don’t end up winning a settlement in your case, you won’t have to pay us back for the money you’ve received. Although the term “loan” is used frequently with pre-settlement funding, the funding you receive is technically a transaction. If you lose your case, there’s no risk. We can’t legally demand repayment if nothing is collected on your case, and we can’t come after you for any assets that aren’t related to your legal claim.

How Will I Receive My Funds?

We can get you funds the same day by check or wire transfer to your bank account.

How Many Pre-Settlement Loans Can I Get?

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